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The Unusual Journey

From:      Date:2010-07-07      Views:233550

If you are ever fascinated by Chinese kung fu; if you ever long for an interesting and meaningful journey; if you ever picture yourself standing on the arena with the applause of the crowd all around you, well, keep dreaming about them, or, you can see all of these coming to reality in Fantawild’s Origins of the Twelve.


Strongly recommended for its novelty and colorfulness in plot, Kung Fu Masters of the Zodiac - Origins of the Twelve will present to you a world of ancient Chinese folklore and also stories of humor and excitement by closely following the main line of animals from every corner of the earth’s trek to the legendary Mount Tai to compete in “The Keeper Tournament”. Merging martial art action, ancient Chinese culture, imaginative plot development and amusive ways of narration, Kung Fu Masters of the Zodiac - Origins of the Twelve, this 3 D animated wonder, will bring you a brand new but very unforgettable watching experience in no doubt.


Now, are you ready to take the journey?


15F, 16 Ke Yan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
86-755-6682 6666
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