
Through a sophisticated system centered on continual, pressurized recirculation of water across a wide expanse, a fascinating surface is created on which images may be projected to stunning effect. Upon this unique surface, visuals are clear, colorful, and spectacular, and make for a singular viewing experience.
A Fantawild Water-Screen film's magic is not restricted to the screen itself; there is an indoor drifting component to the mix. This involves live-action scenes, along with the spray of water-guns and astonishing high-tech simulation of floods, tornados, and other natural disasters.

Unusual visual effects play out over a vast, shimmering screen after the manner of a mirage, or the most vivid of dreams.

Case 1
The White-Snake Maiden's Fury

Inspired by the legendary Chinese folk story "Madame White Snake; Flooding the Golden Mountain Temple", our creative and technical teams endeavor to transport audiences back over 2000 years to witness excitement in viewing natural wonders and the battle between good versus evil! Currently, this is one of the most popular live performance shows in China.
The pre-show area features an indoor drifting adventure. During that 10-minute odyssey, visitors arranged 200 to a boat find themselves in ancient Hangzhou. They are treated to a lively mix of video, live action, and interactive elements-all in service of the story of the Dragon Boat Festival. The main performance area is the actual water-screen theater, in which our technology allows "Mother Nature" to unleash her fiercest side, as described in the section above. When the featured film arrives at its epic end, the White Snake Maiden and the nefarious monk engage in heated battle at Jinshan Temple-leading to the spray from 1000 tons of rushing water reaching stunned audiences as rolling waves break forth.

15F, 16 Ke Yan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
86-755-6682 6666
Stock Code: 834793
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