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Home > FunPark > Fantawild to Build A New Park In Wudang Mountain with Total Investment of 5.1 Billion CNY

Fantawild to Build A New Park In Wudang Mountain with Total Investment of 5.1 Billion CNY

From:      Date:2020-10-20      Views:232730

On October 15th, Fantawild signed a contract with the municipal government of Shiyan. The company will invest 5.1 billion CNY to build a theme park featuring elements of Chinese culture in Wudang Mountain Tourism & Economic Special Zone. Liu Daoqiang, President of Fantawild Holdings Inc., Zhang Weiguo, municipal committee secretary, and Chen Xinwu,Mayor and deputy secretary, attended the signing ceremony along with other guests.

The site of the new park is the forest area of Zhang Jia Wan in Shijiazhuang Village, and it is about 66.7 hectares in size. Of the total investment, 3.1 billion CNY will be spent on the new park, while the remaining 2 billion CNY will be put towards infrastructure and facilities outside of the park. The project will be built in an eco-friendly manner, utilizing the natural resources of the surrounding area.Elements of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and traditional Chinese culture will be featured in the creative design. With the support of Fantawild’s elite creative and technical research teams, the park will explore Chinese history,classic stories, and famous artwork using some of the most cutting-edge technology in the industry. The park combines ecology, culture, and technology in a harmonious way and strives to become the first modern eco-culture demonstration park in a mountainous area of China.

15F, 16 Ke Yan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
86-755-6682 6666
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