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Fantawild Featured on CCTV Special Program: The Entertainment and Tourism Company Quickens Its Speed of Change

From:      Date:2020-07-08      Views:233074

On June 25th, China Central Television (CCTV) broadcast a special program on the Chinese-language International Channel called “Legendary Chinese Festival • Dragon Boat Festival”. The “Unite and Restart” section focused on the tourism industry, which was badly affected during the pandemic. CCTV interviewed some managers and representatives from entertainment and tourism companies, including Fantawild, on the topics of holiday consumption and industrial revival. Li Zhen, Vice President of Fantawild, was featured on the program. She talked about how the company turned over a new leaf and kept going despite the crisis when the pandemic became the new norm. Next, she shared some preventative measures taken by Fantawild parks and their hopes for the future.She also spoke of some themed events in the parks during Dragon Boat Festival,showing Fantawild’s responsibility and confidence as a leading player in China’s entertainment and tourism industry.

CCTV Reported on Fantawild’s Way Out of the Crisis and Resumption of Work

CCTV pointed out that Dragon Boat Festival was the first traditional holiday in this post-pandemic era. Currently, China’s fight against the pandemic has achieved major victory, and restarting the economy has become a main priority. Ms. Li said that many Fantawild parks were affected by the pandemic. From January 25th, the parks were closed for two months. The release of the new Boonie Bears movie, which was due in cinemas during the Chinese New Year, was canceled. Once the pandemic was controlled, Fantawild parks began to reopen one after another starting in mid-March. Now, all Fantawild parks in China have resumed business. The number of park visitors and the amount of revenue taken are both slowly increasing and recovering.

After the parks reopened, they used a real-name ticketing system, measured body temperatures of visitors, checked the health QR codes of visitors, registered relevant information, and prevented people gathering in large groups as required by authorities. The parks also limited the total number of guests per day and arranged for visitors to arrive at different times throughout the day at varying intervals. The above measures ensured orderly operation of the parks and a safe environment for all visitors.

Fantawild also showed corporate responsibility besides meeting visitor’s needs for entertainment.   According to Ms. Li, Fantawild parks voluntarily donated materials for epidemic control, organized activities to thank healthcare professionals during the pandemic, and also provided free  park tickets for healthcare professionals.

Fantawild Helped to Reboot the Industry

 When the pandemic became the new norm, the tourism industry faced changes and required collaboration on all parts of the industrial chain including stable employment, keeping up production, transformation and upgrading. How did Fantawild get out of the crisis? Ms. Li mentioned some measures taken by Fantawild parks. To encourage visitors to come to the parks, Fantawild provided many discounts and offers, such as discounted annual passes with the purchase of full price tickets. Many parks held Boonie Bears Fun Runs, encouraging healthy and active lifestyles through exercise. These events were well received by visitors.

During Dragon Boat Festival this year, the parks hosted many special activities, such as a dragon boat race on land, fun tours of the parks, and themed evening activities. The above events brought happiness to visitors and paid respect to the famous poet in memory of whom this festival is celebrated.

The pandemic has altered our way of life in many ways. The tourism industry needs to meet higher standards to ensure the health and safety of visitors, and must promptly make changes in order to restore consumer confidence. Ms. Li said that “Fantawild has taken many measures during the pandemic to ensure the safety of park staff and visitors,and those measures will become part of Fantawild’s high-quality service even after the pandemic has ended as we continue to provide a safe and regulated experience for visitors ”.

The sudden break out of the pandemic has posed unprecedented pressure on many entertainment and tourism companies like Fantawild, prompting those companies to reflect and explore new business models in order to survive the predicament. As Ms. Li said during the interview, “This crisis has quickened the rate at which we must change and upgrade. We believe the entertainment and tourism industry will be brought back to life!”

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