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Home > FunPark > Ningbo Traditional Chinese Culture Park to be built in Hangzhou Bay New Zone

Ningbo Traditional Chinese Culture Park to be built in Hangzhou Bay New Zone      Date:2019-07-11      Views:233092

In the afternoon of July 8th, Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Zone signed the contract with Fantawild Holdings Inc. to build a park in Ningbo that centers on traditional Chinese culture. This marks Ningbo’s fifth cooperation with Fantawild to make it an international tourist city that combines culture and tourism. Previous efforts include the amusement park Oriental Heritage, the patriotic education base—The Road of Revival, the culture- and technology-oriented science park—Future China, and the Boonie Bears Tourist Town.

With an investment of 3.2 billion yuan, Ningbo Traditional Chinese Culture Park will look at the long-standing and well-established Chinese culture and its development process, centering on the core concepts selected from Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Displaying classic books, stories, and works of art, the park is to use modern technology to present traditional Chinese culture to the public, making it a new theme park that combines education and entertainment. When finished, the park is expected to be a first-rate and international one, with annual tourists reaching 3 million.

The idea of combining culture and tourism wins Hangzhou Bay New Zone much support from many corporations and projects. With this contract-signing of the park, Fatawild has up to now invested 18.5 billion to the New Zone. Fantawild has planned a “trilogy” to cooperate with Ningbo. They are the amusement park Oriental Heritage which has been a dark horse in Ningbo’s tourism industry since its opening, the patriotic education base—The Road of Revival that is now 75% completed and is to open in 2020, and the culture- and technology-oriented science park—Future China which is still in the designing process. Future China which is still in the designing process.

Apart from Fantawild, many other leaders in China’s culture and tourism industry have also come to the New Zone. Projects like Hong Kong-China Tourist Town, with an investment of 10 billion, and the 9-billion-invested Haiquan Bay Hot Spring Town, and another 9-billion-invested Xiangyuan Animation City are all in process.

15F, 16 Ke Yan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
86-755-6682 6666
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