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CCTV Report: Fantawild Theme Park Keeps Top 5 Position Worldwide

From:FANTAWILD      Date:2018-06-29      Views:218127

On June 22nd, China Central Television (CCTV) reported Fantawild is still Top 5 theme park group around the world in its National Brand Program according to a TEA&AECOM report.

The CEO of Fantawild Mr. Mike Liu said in the report: Fantawild has dedicated in culture and tourism industry in last 10 years, with our profession and innovation, and found a Chinese characteristics development method of culture and tourism. Fantawild will continue telling Chinese histories well and bringing Chinese theme parks go abroad.

In May, TEA&AECOM reported that Fantawild parks received 38.5 million visitors in 2017, increasing 21% compared with 2016, and this rate is also No.2 in the world.

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86-755-6682 6666
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