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Home > FunPark > Fantawild Will Build Boonie Bears Park in Yunnan

Fantawild Will Build Boonie Bears Park in Yunnan

From:Fantawild Park      Date:2017-05-22      Views:233217

On May 11, Fantawild Holdings signed a cooperation agreement with Chuxiong government to build a boonie bears park in Chuxiong, Yunnan province. The senior management of Fantawild and Chuxiong officials presented in the ceremony.

Boonie Bears is a famous animation brand which was developed by Fantawild Animation and owned millions of fans around the world. Combined with local Yi nationality culture, Boonie Bears theme park will not only bring its origin fun of characters, but also traditional Chinese culture to the visitors. The park will start construction in the end of 2017 and will open for business in 2019.

15F, 16 Ke Yan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
86-755-6682 6666
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