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Home > FunPark > The 22nd Park of Fantawild Opened in Xiamen

The 22nd Park of Fantawild Opened in Xiamen

From:Fantawild Theme Park      Date:2017-04-17      Views:363543

The 22nd theme park of Fantawild and also the 2nd theme park in Xiamen Fantawild Oriental Heritage Park opened on April 16th. The Xiamen government officers and senior management of Fantawild presented in the ceremony.

Oriental Heritage Park is one of the 3 theme park brands of Fantawild, which is based on Chinese history and culture, using AR, VR, MR and other advanced technology to present the traditional Chinese culture. After Xiamen Fantawild Dreamland, Xiamen Fantawild Oriental Heritage Park will also become the landmark of Xiamen city.


15F, 16 Ke Yan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
86-755-6682 6666
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